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Thankful to be a Floridian during COVID-19
South Florida Sun-Sentinel -  April 30th, 2022

I’m so thankful to have been living in Florida during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gov. Ron DeSantis was wise to ignore President Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s advice and do what’s best for his state. Those incompetent leaders said we needed lockdowns, but the science definitively shows how wrong they were.

A report by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity found that when considering deaths due to the pandemic as well as education and economic losses, Florida’s handling of COVID-19 ranks in the top 10 among all states. As a Hispanic American, I see how the far left is threatening our freedoms. Nothing has made that clearer than the response to COVID-19. If Biden and the Democrats had their way, more Floridians would have died. Our economy and our children’s education would have been sacrificed for nothing.

We can’t afford to let Democrats stay in power come November. I’m proud to stand with FreedomWorks’ Hispanic Grassroots Alliance (HGA) as they fight the radical left. FreedomWorks has opposed COVID-19 restrictions and supported DeSantis since Day 1 of the pandemic. I will attend their Florida tour in May to mobilize more voters. I hope interested readers will join me.

Sandra Rivera, Vero Beach

The president isn’t feeling the effects of inflation, but we Americans are
Tc Palm April 10th, 2022

Thanks to President Biden, I just filled up my car with gas and it cost over $50. It used to cost me about $35.

So now I am paying a lot of gas for my car and I am paying a lot of money for the fuel in his limousine, his helicopter, and his airplane. And paying for everyone else’s in government too because it does come from the taxpayers.

The increase in gas prices, and inflation generally, won’t affect the president’s pocket. Just all the ordinary American people.

Make our country energy independent. Stop funding Russia’s war against the poor people of Ukraine.

So far, one year in office and he is causing this country so much harm. I am not sure how he sleeps at night knowing the damage he has done to our country.

He should stop blaming everything and everyone else for the problems.

Jo-Ann Scotto, Vero Beach

Redistricting shouldn’t be an argument about race

The Democrats are firing back at Gov. Ron DeSantis and the redistricting of Florida.
They’re playing the race card again. The April 1 editorial from the Palm Beach Post
wrote that DeSantis’ thinking is, “if your skin is dark, don’t vote.”
Do you believe that? Even they don’t, but it’s a weapon to use as the state keeps
getting redder.
Gannett Capital Bureau John Kennedy wrote on March 30 that Republicans “could win
18 of the state’s 28 congressional districts” if DeSantis takes apart a largely Black voter
district. So? Again, Democrats cry that then Black people won’t get a candidate of their
choice. That assumes they would only vote for someone Black or at least a Democrat.
Is this like “affirmative action voting”?
Why play the race card when simple democracy is at work? When the legislature is
mostly red, and they are blue, they need to say “Black.”
Imagine if a district were filled with Central American refugees, who just got the go-
ahead to vote; would they demand a district with a candidate who “looked like them”?
Would Korean Americans in a district complain they had no choice but to vote for
someone from a different ethnic group? What if their district had a Japanese Democrat
versus an Indian Republican? Would that be unconstitutional?
The sensible DeSantis says his goal is “winning judicial support for creating districts that
don’t take race into consideration.” How racist is that?

Norman Grant, Vero Beach

If there were no Electoral College, California and New York would likely decide presidencies

TC Palm - March 9th, 2022

A recent letter was about the need to reform the Electoral College. This would be dangerous. The Electoral College must remain in order to keep a level playing field.

It does not matter that a particular candidate might get more votes nationally, yet the candidate does not win the election. In the case of reform, the states of California and New York would begin to elect every president because they are the most populated and both are liberal.

The Founding Fathers were astoundingly smart, intuitive and ahead of their times. In fact two states split their Electoral College votes by area. This would be a great idea for New York because upstate New York rarely elects the president of their choice. That’s because four of the five boroughs of New York City routinely elect the Democratic candidate.

If we did not have an electoral college, California and New York would be choosing every president. The Electoral College must remain intact.

Jo-Ann Scotto, Vero Beach

It's no wonder President Trump had problems getting his message out

TC Palm - February 20, 2022

We’ve all heard the question “If a tree falls in the forest and there is nothing there to hear it, is a sound actually made?” Mainstream media knows the answer: “No.” Hunter Biden’s laptop was found weeks before the last presidential election, but the MSM saw fit not only to not report it, but to actually suppress it. Fox News and one or two other news-media firms reported on the damning news contained in that laptop, news that surely would have prevented Biden from becoming president. But many uninformed voters who voted for Joe knew nothing of it because the only news they listen to is the MSM.

Now Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation has uncovered the significant role Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party played in infiltrating, and spying upon, a sitting president. Our Congress wasted almost four years trying to indict President Trump for bogus ties to the Russians, ties that were entirely made up (many, such as Rep. Adam Schiff, claimed they had “irrefutable evidence” of such ties). With Democrats, MSM, Hollywood, technology moguls, etc., reporting such inflammatory disinformation, is it any wonder that Trump had to resort to tweeting to get his message out?

Happily, Durham is not through with his investigations. Hopefully, many more charges, against many more significant people will be forthcoming. People (like Hillary Clinton) who should be in jail for all the illicit and illegal acts they’ve committed, will probably always be protected, though I don’t know why. Perhaps a Republican majority in the House will change that. Moreover, some will be promoted. Jake Sullivan, who was Hillary’s senior policy advisor, is now Biden’s national security advisor. I can only wince when I think of the advice he’s giving Joe Biden. But then you won’t learn about that from the MSM.


Wig Sherman. Vero Beach

In response to the blatantly biased piece by the TC Palm

regarding the Donald Trump Jr. rally in Vero Beach

October 29,2020

  Here is my response to the blatantly biased piece by the TC Palm, in response to the Donald Trump Jr. rally in Vero Beach last night.


"So much for objectivity in "reporting" the news. Solomon and Arwood left no doubt about their leftist leanings. "The sky is falling - we're all going to die" is clearly the message they wanted to hear from Donald Trump Jr. They continued their blatantly biased assault on Don Jr. and President Trump's peaceful, patriotic, America loving supporters "in a county with one of the wealthiest enclaves in the state" - I saw mostly working class families at the rally. Solomon/Arwood unleashed a torrent of negative adjectives relating to the content of Don's speech without giving a single example of "unfounded, right wing theories, inaccuracies, exaggerations and conspiracies." But TCPalm consistently ignores the REAL crimes of collusion with foreign governments by the Biden family, about which Joe publicly boasted - withholding billions in desperately needed aid to Ukraine until the investigator of Hunter's alleged corruption related to Burisma, was fired.

You refuse to mention the $3.5 million dollars paid to Hunter Biden's investment firm in 2014 by the deceased mayor of Moscow's wife, and 11 more wire transfers in 2015 to a bank account belong to BAK USA, a tech company that filed for bankruptcy in 2019. An 87 page report mentioned by the New York Post, documents that nine of those 11 transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of John Kerry, before going to BAK. "The committees also said they obtained records from the US Treasury Department that “show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals.” This explains why thousands of early voters in many states are experiencing voter remorse and trying to change their votes from Biden to Trump!

Under a Trump administration, our 1st and 2nd amendment rights remain intact, babies get a shot at life, black enterprise zones will thrive and lift many out of poverty, all parents will have educational choice for their children, and our military will continue to rebound. Socialism is the goal of the corrupt Biden/Harris ticket, they have admitted that taking away our 2nd amendment is one of their top priorities, and they will gut our country's wealth, bringing everyone but the elites, down to the lowest common denominator - we are Venezuela! President Trump is a man for all the people. He wants to get government off the backs of the people so that every individual can live up to his/her full potential. Vote wisely!

Lamarre Notargiacomo

Cartas al editor: 1 de agosto de 2020

Ser voluntario de Meals on Wheels es una forma inspiradora de retribuir

He disfrutado muchísimo mis tres meses en el trabajo voluntario de Meals on Wheels. Soy voluntario una vez a la semana. Recojo las comidas, con un promedio de 10 a 13 comidas, a las 11 am y se las entrego a las personas mayores, colocándolas en una silla o mesa fuera de la casa. Los mayores abrirán la puerta una vez que toque el timbre, pero son muy cautelosos y practican el distanciamiento social. Es una excelente manera de retribuir a un grupo de personas que nos necesitan aún más que antes de esta pandemia.

Gente como la Sra. Allison, de 100 años, y la Sra. Donna, de 96 años (se han cambiado los nombres), son muy inspiradoras y aprecian mi voluntariado. El Sr. Tony me dice que todos los viernes le alegro el día con solo decir hola. Saco más de este trabajo de lo que les doy a los residentes. Me encanta ver las sonrisas en sus rostros. Considere inscribirse como voluntario. Muchos voluntarios se han mudado al norte, y el Kane Center Meals on Wheels necesita ayuda comunitaria en el condado de Martin. Incluso puede ser útil ser un sustituto. Haga correr la voz con familiares y amigos y llame a Curletha Campbell, 772-223-7829, o envíe un correo electrónico a .

Barbara DiVenuto

Supporting the leadership that Improves

Public Safety and our Nation

¡Nosotros, como nación, estamos entrando en aguas desconocidas, para mantener la seguridad pública y preservar nuestra República Constitucional!

Hemos visto al ayuntamiento de Minneapolis, MN votar para ABOLIR el departamento de policía con un voto de 9-0, dirigido por un miembro radical del consejo, el Sr. Jeremiah Ellison.

Hemos sido testigos de los alcaldes de la ciudad de Nueva York y Seattle quitando las herramientas que los oficiales de policía
¡Necesitamos mantener la seguridad para el público y para ellos mismos!

Por conveniencia política, remolcando vacas a los alborotadores, ladrones y vándalos en las calles, los alcaldes de Nueva York, Washington y Seattle han tolerado la destrucción de la propiedad pública y privada .

¡La falta de liderazgo por las consecuencias de los crímenes ilegales contra sus ciudadanos ha envalentonado aún más a los perpetradores, permitiendo la pérdida de muchas vidas en algunos casos!

¡Los intentos de crímenes y la comisión de crímenes graves contra ciudadanos inocentes se han disparado durante este tiempo de disturbios!

Si queremos mantener a nuestra nación como un país civilizado, debe haber un cambio de liderazgo de los políticos elegidos que tomaron su juramento y que han abdicado de sus responsabilidades de conveniencia política .

Siguen siendo una amenaza para nuestra seguridad y para mantener nuestra República.

Paul Zelno, Presidentes
Víctimas del condado de Indian River
Coalición de derechos

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